Chapter 75 They Are Greedy Enough

"A normal businessman wouldn't fly into a rage just because a client kept him waiting at the entrance, nor would he threaten the host upon turning away, or send someone to snoop around upon suspecting that the other party has a secret that he doesn't know," Klay sighed and said, "We are not acting like businessmen here, but as creditors, as the masters of this tribe.

"Put yourself in their shoes. Would you be furious? Whether it's because they have secrets or if it's just an excuse to push the deal through, we need to change our attitude if we want to continue doing business.

"Otherwise, we can only take what goodwill we have left, dust off our pants, and leave. Even if a mountain of gold were discovered here in the future, it would have nothing to do with us."

By this point in the conversation, even a fool could understand the situation, let alone the shrewd business owners who were now involuntarily silent, reflecting on their own behavior.