Chapter 91 Is this what humans do?_3

"How can it be weakened?" Anna asked curiously.

Without a word, Gaven replied with action, pulling out the Magic Longsword embedded in the heart of the Dog Demon, and swung four swift strikes.

Not only did he chop off the latter half of the Dog Demon's front paws, but he also cleanly cut off both hind legs, effectively turning it into a stick.

"What are you doing? What are you going to do?" the Dog Demon, now a bloody, writhing piece of meat, screamed shrilly as it squirmed.

Death was not frightening; the unknown was.

The Dog Demon had long been frightened by Gaven's unpredictable actions.

Even as a devil, it could not endure such torment and humiliation.

Having completed this task, Gaven turned and entered Anna's living quarters, dragging out her large bathtub used for bathing, water and all.