Chapter 93: Who Approves? Who Disagrees?_3

There was another hundred meters to go.

The Gnolls on top of the city seemed to be frightened into stupidity, with no reaction whatsoever.

Fifty meters.

Not a single stone from the common Gnoll slinging was seen, and many Goblins at the front had already started swinging their slings.

Thirty meters.

Just one second before the Goblins' slings were about to be deployed, the one at the very front suddenly disappeared from sight.

Only the sounds of thuds and agonizing screams could be heard from below.

Those following closely behind, realizing something was wrong and attempting to stop, were too late and also fell into the pits.

The lucky ones landed on open ground, while the unlucky ones were impaled on the wooden spikes angled towards the sky, dying on the spot.

"Stop, stop, there are pits here, lots of pits..."

"Don't charge forward anymore, don't charge anymore, there are traps ahead..."