Chapter 95: Encircling the Harpy_1

This was the suggestion proposed by Chief Gaven, to not launch a full-scale war against the harpies right off the bat, but rather conduct small-scale hunts.

First, to validate the lethality of psychic bullets against the harpies through real combat and to collect more detailed data.

Facts had repeatedly proven that this skill was extremely effective against the crude and obtuse harpies, rendering them unconscious for at least eight counts, and sometimes even a dozen or more.

Second, to weaken the overall strength of the harpies as much as possible; with one less member, they would be that much weaker. If possible, it would be ideal to eradicate the entire harpy tribe through such assassinations.

Such a thought, however, only existed in theory.

Even the harpies, dim-witted as they were, weren't foolish enough not to notice when a large number of their tribe members went missing.

Dusk had fallen, and the harpies that had gone out hunting were gradually returning to the nest.