Chapter 97: Meeting with the Young Red Copper Dragon_2

Celebrating victory with a feast isn't exclusive to humans; gnolls also partake in this custom.

"Thank you, Chief Gaven."

There were compliments in both the common tongue and the gnoll language, jumbled together in a lively and indescribable mix.

Gaven stood up and righteously accepted the flattery. Without his labor and counsel, the war between Eagle Cliff Burrow and the harpies could have continued for who knows how long, perhaps even until the Arcane Catastrophe.

Once reseated, Gaven directly broached the serious topic with the Eagle Cliff Cave Chieftain, "Now that the greatest danger of the burrow has been removed, what does the Clan Leader think about my previous proposal for an alliance?"

"I have considered the matter seriously. It's certainly better for two tribes to cooperate than to struggle alone, especially since our tribes share such a deep connection," Chester sighed deeply and said, "But as you've seen, the condition of the burrow isn't great."