Chapter 101: Dragon Blood Potion_1


The miserable, muffled groan came from deep within the cave.

The young red dragon caught in the middle had no space to dodge, and was likely drenched in strong acid breath from above.

Uncertain if the strong acid breath had severely wounded him, or if the young red dragon no longer had the strength to counterattack, there was no new movement from within.

Even after the young red copper dragon mustered another mouthful of strong acid breath and sprayed it inside, there were no more groans. It seemed as if the young red dragon had completely perished.

"Is he already dead?" The young dragon started to cautiously peer into the cave, seemingly trying to glimpse the situation inside.

"Seal it up." Gaven had no intention of looking inside but instructed two gnolls to seal the entrance that had just been melted by the flame dragon's breath. Whether dead or alive, his plan was to delay at least for a day or half a day.