Chapter 111 Brolan of the Autumnbreeze_1

Gaven moved his feet while firing a hail of arrows.

Although his archery wasn't as formidable as his swordsmanship, it was still exceptional.

Warriors born as slaves usually had to be versatile; there was no other choice, it was enforced.

Often, they had no choice but to use whatever weapons they had at their disposal, and with enough practice, any weapon became an extension of their hands.

Especially on the battlefield, where weapon wear and loss were commonplace, a warrior who could only use one type of weapon was not considered qualified.

Gaven hadn't finished his half quiver of arrows, when Aivensa's dragon breath was ready again, and it dived down.

Both the Jackalwere archers and the Abyssal ghouls knew what to expect from the diving young dragon, and they had no desire to fight; they scrambled to avoid it frantically.

But this time, the dragon didn't emit a strong acid breath; it unleashed a slow dragon breath instead.