Chapter 132 Giant Dragon Inner Sight_1

"At once." Zack, with his psychically concentrated mind, immediately ignited the mental fuse, causing the rollers inside the improved Dragon Tremor Bomb to spin at high speed.

Seconds later, a muffled boom echoed from the ceiling of the cave, and fragments of various sizes fell like rain—softly dropping down.

The deformed monsters below were instantly startled. Although corrupted and deformed, their intelligence remained intact, and they still feared death.

Those close to the cave entrance dashed forward recklessly.

Those farther from the entrance tried to turn back.

But regardless of their distance, they all struggled to move; the vines formed by the Entanglement Spell were thick and animated, entangling them without relent.

The Foul Giant still buried in the pit thrashed about like mad, guided by many years of experience in the Dark Domain, knowing well that the cave ahead was about to collapse in a massive way, potentially affecting his location as well.