Chapter 130 Dragonization_2

And now, just like drinking lukewarm water, with a mere thought, Susie created a pitfall right under the enemy's feet, then quickly followed it up with a boulder drop.

This could no longer be considered a trap, but a magical attack, a combination of a pitfall trap and a boulder trap—Susie definitely achieved a magical proficiency, Quickened Spell, at least for the pitfall and boulder traps.

Normally, spells empowered with Quickened Spell would require at least a four-ring increase in the spell's professional level, which meant that a third-ring pitfall trap would have to be treated as a seventh-ring spell, and magicians would need at least fourteen professional levels to cast it.

Combined as a seven-ring spell, this formidable and monstrous power was no exaggeration.

For many professions, especially those lacking teleportation means, this kind of attack was nearly insurmountable.