Chapter 139 Growth of Aivensa_1

"Today's negotiations shall come to an end here, I hope we each achieve our desires and obtain what we need," Lord Virginia extended her delicate, jade-like hand once more.

Gaven lightly clasped Lord Virginia's hand and nodded emphatically, "May we each achieve our desires and obtain what we need."

Today, he had shaken hands with Lord Virginia four times.

The first three times had brought him great benefits, and he hoped that this time would be the same.

If that were the case, he would have no choice but to hold onto this hand and never let go.

Unfortunately, this time it was simply a pure celebration and blessing, and no abnormalities occurred again.

No, that wasn't quite right, there was a slight anomaly, at the moment of the handshake, Gaven clearly felt Lord Virginia's inner joy, and he reckoned she must have felt his too; it was a tingling, electrifying feeling that went straight to the heart.