Chapter 141 Life Force Baptism_1

"Zack, Susie, follow me, let's see which place is most suitable for planting this transport tree."

Gaven took the opportunity to survey the summit of Eagle Cliff, preparing to finalize the planting spot for the Dragon Scale Oak seed before their return.

The top of Eagle Cliff was oval-shaped and had an overall area of no less than twenty thousand square meters.

It wasn't a true solitary peak.

Close to the northern side, there was a connecting point that extended twenty or thirty meters, beyond which lay a series of mountains, albeit significantly lower. At least three of the peaks were quite obvious.

Once the portal was set up here, it wouldn't just be about building a simple ground castle for Aivensa.

Instead, a mountain city—a well-defended mountain city had to be built here.

Eventually, Gaven chose the planting spot here, towards the north and near the connecting point.

After the mountain city was erected, there would be a small square perfect for the portal.