Chapter 154 One Bright One Dark_1

"Can I really leave?" Shanoba asked, a bit incredulous.

Was her captor really letting her go so easily?

"Really, just pass through this portal, and you will be free."

"I can really go, I really can leave..." Shanoba mumbled as she tentatively moved her feet.

The Half-Elf, the Elf, and the Red Copper Dragon just watched her; none of them made any move to stop her.

It was only then that Shanoba realized how wildly wrong her previous assumptions had been.

This Half-Elf here held absolute sway over everything, including the Red Copper Dragon, which was completely obedient to him.

But one question continued to elude her understanding.

If the Half-Elf had already tamed the Red Copper Dragon, why had he hung below it instead of riding upon the dragon saddle?

Testing the waters, Shanoba walked through the Dragon Oak Portal and emerged at the summit of Eagle Cliff.