Chapter 183 Settlement Issues_1

Some scenarios were quite challenging, where the Hobgoblin Cavalry not only dismounted but even formed a step-ladder for each other. With the combined strength of three Hobgoblins, they managed to get their Ferocious Wolf mounts up over the four-meter-high low cliff, then climbed up them using the wolves' reins.

Four meters was already the height of most town walls.

Gaven never even had a chance to take action, spending more time watching Blood Claw lead the Goblin Wolf Cavalry in a demonstration.

Intent on showcasing his and his troops' capabilities to the new lord, Blood Claw applied all of his knowledge to the utmost.

Ten kilometers, neither far nor near.

It took the Goblin Wolf Cavalry less than an hour to sweep the area.

Don't think an hour is long—this is the Rocklands, with its highly complex terrain, and they were also engaged in intermittent combat.

Reaching ten kilometers in an hour, that speed was nearly unimaginable.