Chapter 189: Subduing the Dragon Girl_1

Constrained by the Soul Totem, she was very sensitive to Gaven's aura, and even though he wore a full-body closed armor, she recognized him at a glance.

Shanoba had always thought that time could erase everything, including pain, including fear.

During this time, she did not take the initiative to contact Gaven. On one hand, the old nun Stephanie watched her closely,

On the other hand, deep down, Shanoba resisted Gaven's control subconsciously.

Moreover, it seemed as if Gaven had forgotten her altogether, as he never tried to contact her.

But when they reunited, the fear she once felt engulfed her mind like a deluge.

No, that's not right.

The pressure emanating from Gaven was even greater than last time.

In Shanoba's eyes, Gaven was not merely a person but a towering tree one could only look up to, and in his presence, she felt so insignificant, so helpless.

The courage for rebellion that she had mustered in her heart dissipated with merely a glance from him.