Chapter 202 The Rhyme of the Foul Giant_1

Gaven could certainly detonate the explosion himself, but killing the Foul Giants would bestow a Charisma bonus, a key casting attribute for a Magician. If there was an opportunity, of course he wanted Zack to try to gain it.

Zack didn't hesitate. He released his control over the Stone Shaping Spell and, sensing the triggering device of the Dragon Tremor Bomb, he emitted the detonation signal.

Not everyone could trigger a Dragon Tremor Bomb—if that were the case, there would be far too many people with strong Perception in this world.

Each batch came with its own unique incantation to prevent theft or unauthorized detonation.

"What is this thing? I'm going to kill you all!" The Foul Giant coughed violently, trying to spit the Dragon Tremor Bomb out of its throat, while desperately trying to crawl out.

One arm regained freedom and the instant pitfall lost Zack's maintenance. The Giant struggled less intensely now, managing to pull most of his body out after only a few efforts.