Chapter 211 Tremor Bomb's Bottleneck_1

All Attribute Points, no change.

Just two additional Special Abilities.

Absolute Defense (Special Ability): Damage Reduction 15/∞.

Earth Healing (Special Ability): As long as standing on the earth, receive rapid Heal 5.

The explanation is simple enough, but the implications it represents are not.

This level of Damage Reduction seems the same as the Combat Armor before the change, but in reality, it is not completely the same.

The meaning of ∞ is that, before exceeding 15 points, no attack can harm the Twilight Guardian, not even Magic.

The meaning of rapid Heal 5 is that five Life Force points are restored every round.

To combine the two, a Twilight Guardian standing on the ground is as tenacious as an indestructible cockroach.

No wonder Prince Elton was able to hold his own against Thornspike and the Twilight Guardian before; the two Special Abilities that the Twilight Guardian now possesses, I estimate Prince Elton had them after three breaths and even stronger.