"Abyssal Jackalweres? Bone Claw? I hadn't expected to be reunited with old friends, it seems Arms really did exchange the method of crafting Bone Claws with the Ghost Witch Assembly of Far Sea Marsh," Gaven continued to press, "Do you know anything about the fog that shrouds the Far Sea Marsh?"
"I haven't figured that out yet," the Jackalwere Monk shook his head, "One thing is for certain, the fog is not a natural occurrence, it is closely related to the Legendary Ghost Witch Gathering. They regard it as their greatest secret, guarding it so closely that even their most trusted confidants are not easily told."
"This issue is not of much use to us this time, let's set it aside for now," Gaven suggested, "You have had a trying time recently, Master. Why not stay here and recuperate for a while before making other plans?"