Chapter 607: The Formidable Lizard Queen


Croak! Croak, croak!

This time, the frog calls were shrill and urgent.

One by one, tall, red-skinned goblin warriors with hooked noses and pointed ears, armed to the teeth, rose from behind the walls of the tower war chariots, revealing a fierce grin as their swords heavily cleaved down.


The mad frogmen in the air had no ability to dodge and each took at least two or three hits.

Less than one in ten lived; most were killed on the spot, and already stiff when they hit the ground, many even chopped into several pieces.

In the water or swamps, these mad frogmen might have had a slight chance against the hobgoblin soldiers, but on land, they were fated for slaughter.

How could the ballista carts, vital battle tools of the Conqueror Army, have no defenses prepared?

Indeed, the Conqueror Army had dispatched both its vanguards, but hidden within their tower war chariots was another force.