12, Utilization of New Intelligence!_1

"Lin Changhu's BMW three-series is actually a car for undercover use?"

"Hehe, that's quite in line with his propensity to show off."

Lin Mo looked at the first piece of intelligence information, pondering whether to inform his cousin about the vehicle being towed.

However, he quickly dismissed the idea.

Firstly, he couldn't explain the source of the information; secondly, he knew his cousin's character well.

Compared to the car being towed, he would probably be more bothered by losing face in front of himself.

Let go of the desire to help, respect others' destinies.

With such an attitude, Lin Mo continued to browse through the intelligence.

It turned out Zhang Tiancheng got five days of detention, just as he had thought.

It was a lesson for him, too.

"Xu Yanli is going to Wanda to find a job?"

"Isn't she on vacation in Sanya?"

Lin Mo opened his social network, scrolled down, and soon found the exquisite afternoon tea photo Xu Yanli posted yesterday afternoon.

"It seems like everyone is quite keen on creating their own persona."

Lin Mo suddenly realized that the Intelligence System brought more than just changes in his life.

Even without significant intelligence, it was quite interesting just to peek at real-life situations or secrets of the people around him every evening.

What is this called?

Peeping desire?

Lin Mo wasn't good at psychology and couldn't find a precise term to describe his feelings.

He continued reading,

After skipping over the war news, the potential price fluctuation of the 4090 graphics cards caught Lin Mo off guard.

It was a huge business opportunity.

"If I stock up on some 4090 graphics cards, wouldn't I make a fortune?"

Lin Mo was initially excited but, after thinking it over, he felt this opportunity didn't really relate to him.

He only had about a hundred thousand yuan on hand; all in, he could only buy a dozen or so 4090 graphics cards at most.

What could that amount do?

The graphics card market in Grand Xia Country was completely chaotic.

The so-called market price was merely a consensus reached by a few major card dealers.

If the prices didn't go up and instead there was a reverse price drop, Lin Mo's hundred thousand yuan would completely go to waste—his entire family's savings.

Moreover, the rise and fall of graphics card prices and their sale wasn't something that happened overnight.

"Better to play it safe!"

Lin Mo regretfully set aside this piece of information and continued to look further.

The rest of the intelligence didn't seem to offer direct ways to make money, which disappointed him somewhat.

"It's not like there are lost dogs every day that I happen to encounter, right?"

"Most of the time, life is just ordinary!"

Lin Mo comforted himself while preparing to close the system interface and get some sleep.

But just then,

he suddenly noticed one of the least conspicuous pieces of intelligence.

[6, You watched the weather forecast yesterday and received the following intelligence—Rakshasa City's weather forecasting system will be greatly inaccurate. At 10 p.m. today, Rakshasa City will experience widespread rainfall, with a 24-hour precipitation of 55mm; however, Rakshasa City's weather forecast is reporting a clear day.]

"It's going to rain tomorrow night?"

"Isn't the weather forecast clear skies?"

Lin Mo took out his phone, opened the weather app, and took a look; it indeed showed clear skies for Rakshasa City tomorrow.

"Weather forecasts aren't 100% accurate, and it's normal for them to be wrong."

"How do I make use of this information?"

The first thing Lin Mo thought of was to buy some umbrellas and sell them near places without shelter right before it rained.

Buy at five yuan, sell at ten or fifteen yuan, he was sure to make a profit.

Just not that much.

"Is there no other way?"

Lin Mo lay on the bed, his eyes lifelessly staring at the ceiling above.

At this moment,

Li Jinwen walked in from outside and, seeing his expression, smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Too excited to sleep?"

After all, today was the day the big trouble of their daughter being bullied had been resolved, and she was in a very good mood.

Lin Mo gathered his thoughts, shifted his body to the side, and asked in a low voice, "Is Xiaoxiao asleep yet?"

Li Jinwen stretched lazily and lay down beside Lin Mo: "Not yet, she's all excited. I doubt she'll fall asleep anytime soon."

"I'll take her tomorrow, you get some more sleep."

Lin Mo nodded and fell back into deep thought.

Li Jinwen nudged him gently and asked in bewilderment, "What are you thinking about that's got you so absorbed?"

Lin Mo muttered, "I'm wondering, if it suddenly started raining, who would need an umbrella the most?"

"Are you nuts?"

"Seriously, help me think about it. I have a feeling it's going to rain tomorrow."

Li Jinwen looked through the window at the star-filled sky and felt Lin Mo's forehead with the back of her hand: "Honey, you're not feverish, are you?"

"I just checked the weather forecast, it's going to be sunny."

Lin Mo shook his head: "I'm not messing with you. A friend of mine has arthritis, and he always hurts before it rains. He told me he was in so much pain just now that he had to go to the hospital. I'm sure it's going to rain tomorrow."

"Quick, help me think, if it really does rain, who would need an umbrella most?"

Li Jinwen, seeing her husband mumbling to himself, also began to believe him a bit and started thinking with a frown.

After a while,

she had a flash of inspiration and said, "I don't think it necessarily has to be umbrellas."

"What do you mean?" Lin Mo perked up.

Li Jinwen said proudly, "How much can you make selling umbrellas? If it really does rain tomorrow, buy a lot of disposable raincoats and sell them to the people going to the concert."

"They won't want to leave, or if they do leave they don't want to walk in the rain, so if there are raincoats available when it suddenly starts to pour, they will definitely buy them."

Lin Mo, listening to his wife's plan, lit up and couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.


Gaojiazhuang kind of brilliant!

Indeed, having the Intelligence System to myself is a complete waste.

If it were up to me to think of something, I might not have come up with the idea of selling raincoats at a concert until tomorrow night.

Dear me~~

Lin Mo wrapped his arms around Li Jinwen a little tighter and kissed her fiercely, praising, "Wife, you're simply my lucky star!"

Li Jinwen wiped off the saliva on her cheek with disgust and countered, "Hey, you're not really planning to go and sell disposable raincoats, are you?"

Lin Mo said very seriously, "Yeah, why not give it a try? After all, those things aren't expensive, and you can get them from the wholesale market and even return them if they don't sell."

"Go to sleep!"

Lin Mo kicked off the covers fiercely and hugged Li Jinwen tight, closing his eyes contentedly.

After a long while,

just as he was about to fall asleep, Li Jinwen's voice drifted softly.

"Husband, I gave you such a great idea, how are you going to thank me?"

"Ah? You want me to thank you like that?"

"Count how long it's been since we... you know?"

"What's that?"

"You know, that thing!"

"I really don't know what you're talking about!"

"Humph, forget it then, let's sleep!"

Li Jinwen broke free from his embrace and turned away, her back to Lin Mo, visibly annoyed.

Lin Mo smiled slightly, covered both their heads with the blanket, and once again wrapped his arms around his wife.

Moments later, the sound of silver-bell laughter filled the small rental space....