55, the odd and quirky classmate group._1

After the video call connected, it displayed a poor network signal on the other side, and it took a few seconds for a laggy image to appear.

From the blurry background, it was clear that Lin Changshui was not at home but outdoors, without any lights, and intermittent noises could be heard around him.

Lin Xiaoxiao curiously asked, "Grandpa, where are you?"

"Grandpa's outside, what's up, my sweet granddaughter?"

"I miss you, when are you going to come to visit me? And bring Auntie and Grandma too."

"How about Grandpa finishes up his work in the next couple of days and then comes to see you, is that alright?"

"Mm, then it's settled. Dad took us to buy a car today, it's so nice and comfortable, and we went to the supermarket, bought Mom gold..."

Lin Xiaoxiao narrated today's entire day vividly to the phone.

"How about Grandpa calls you back when I get home, okay? The signal here is too bad."

"Mm, alright then... goodbye, Grandpa."