109, the thing in the basement, Lin Mo's scalp tingles!_2

Chen Kainan was sitting in the living room, teaching his daughter to play the piano when he heard his wife's call; with a helpless shout, he said, "Honey, can you get up yourself? I'm teaching our daughter the piano. She has an exam tomorrow and needs to practice the piece. Or should I have Nanny Liu help you instead?"

From the bedroom, the charming voice of his wife rang out again: "No, the water you pour tastes better, I just like the water you pour."

Even the little girl felt her mother was being a bit too much. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Chen Kainan stand up, pat her little head indulgently, and said with a smile, "Let's call it a day for now, and I'll go through the piece with you again tomorrow morning."

Pouting, the little girl said, "Dad~~ you spoil Mom too much. I feel like you don't love me anymore."

"Silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Daddy loves you most."