123, teasing Chen Shanhe! Refresh to reveal a bizarre new piece of information!_1

"However, I can understand, Elder Chen, that you're getting on in years, so your memory has slipped a little."

"It seems I need to help you recap a bit how you, the man behind the scenes, used mere millions to leverage billions in huge profits."

Having said that, Lin Mo didn't waste any more words with Chen Jianghe and cut off the video call on the software before transferring some pre-prepared files and photos.

All of these were materials he had sorted out in advance.

Some were gathered by himself, but most were provided by the Intelligence System.

Having done this,

Lin Mo didn't linger in the room any longer. He got up, left the hotel, and returned to his sedan parked by the roadside.

The first thing he did in the car was to take off the tight shoes on his feet.

Size 43 feet in size 41 shoes might be bearable for a short period, but it's truly uncomfortable for longer stretches.

After taking off his shoes, Lin Mo let out a long sigh of relief.