Chapter 589: You Little Devil, How Can You Fan the Flames So Well?

"Those people are so annoying," Tanshia Firlo griped, itching to nibble on Zheng Yichen's arm.

She tried to move her head, but Zheng Yichen brushed it aside with his hand. His motorbike was already fairly large and heavy-duty, yet the young white dragon standing on it still made it seem somewhat crowded.

"They wouldn't dare cause trouble in Landen City, but outside of Landen City? If a demigod shows up, they're just giving themselves away. If a True God comes..."

Tanshia Firlo blinked those red eyes of hers curiously and asked, "A one-for-one exchange?"

"Wouldn't I be at a great loss then?" Zheng Yichen spat. "Even if a True God came, I'd still have a chance to detain them!"

He had yet to battle a True God in this world. The opportunity to kill a True God existed, but they would be considered 'permission dogs', similar to Supreme Demons, yet the Supreme Demons are more predominantly characterized by their Undying and Indestructible nature.

Less pronounced in other aspects.