Chapter 6 Test_1


Having returned to the warehouse, Fu Qian was unusually taken aback for a moment.

This is totally illogical!

You ask questions, I respond, shouldn't we then exchange a few words back and forth?

A simple apology and then you just send me off?

[Entering containment scene 2-133: Old City]

"Can you hear me speaking?"

Re-entering, this time Fu Qian chose not to respond and instead leaned back first.

This time he finally got a clear look at the person who had sent him away—a woman wearing a black, narrow hat, carrying a slender Curved Sword in her hand.

The lower half of her face was hidden by a high collar, and her full appearance couldn't be seen.

From the part that was exposed, she should be a beauty, her skin white as snow, fine as porcelain—no, that was porcelain!

The woman's face was distinctly different on both sides; the left half of her face had no skin but was made of a white substance similar to bone china.

Fu Qian looked down at the hand that was grasping his collar, and it wasn't the shape of a normal human hand at all, but more like a doll's prosthetic limb.

Night Watchman!

That was the first thing that came to Fu Qian's mind.

Not to mention anything else, just her appearance alone made it clear she was no ordinary person.

But why would she want to kill him without a word?

Remembering what had happened before, Fu Qian didn't rush to make a move.

From that one move that had sent him away, Fu Qian had already sensed that the strength of this porcelain woman was even greater than the Werewolf he had encountered earlier, at least a level higher.

Although he had obtained two Skills, his physical strength was still that of an average person.

There was a difference between him and the weaponized human figure in front of him, who was armed to the teeth.

It's not like he could slide tackle her as he did the Wrewolf, right?

As long as this woman had normal intelligence, she probably wouldn't give him the chance to execute a slide tackle headshot.

Seeing that Fu Qian was observing her, sadness appeared on the porcelain woman's face.

She sighed, let go of Fu Qian's collar, and bowed lightly to him.

"I'm very sorry, there's no time left."

"I must clear all the contaminated ones within this area."

"So... I'm sorry..."

She was about to take action again. The porcelain woman bowed, and Fu Qian's eyelids twitched, knowing things were about to get bad.

As expected, in the next moment, the bright gleam of the blade filled his view again, dazzling his eyes and causing them pain.

Blood splattered.

Realizing he absolutely couldn't dodge, Fu Qian resolutely controlled his body's instinct to evade and took the hit head-on.

Allowing the shockingly deep wound to spurt blood wildly, Fu Qian showed no fear, instead offering a grim smile.

"Fu Qian."


The porcelain woman looked puzzled.

"My name is Fu Qian, what about you? I think I should know whose hand I am dying by."

Fu Qian looked calmly at his murderer.

She wanted to know his name.

The porcelain woman was taken aback again.

"Su Gao."


Fu Qian nodded and could no longer hold on.

[Containment Failed]

[Evaluation: Useless person]

[Reward: None]

[Current SAN Points: 30]

Back in the warehouse, Fu Qian had basically made some judgments about the current situation.

First of all, this woman named Su Gao was most likely a member of the Night Watchmen.

And according to the initial prompts, they were on a mission, which was to purge the pollution in this area.

Her words and the fact that she chopped him down without saying anything were because they must have considered the situation out of control.

They even had to start indiscriminate cleaning of people like him who were found in the contaminated area.

[SAN Points reduced by 1, entering containment scene]

Having cleared his thoughts, Fu Qian chose to enter again.

"Can you hear what I'm saying—"

"Su Gao!"

Fu Qian didn't wait to see clearly this time and directly called out the name of the porcelain woman.

"Don't waste time, we need to clean up all potential contaminants as soon as possible."


The porcelain woman's hand, which was on the knife, froze there.

One could almost imagine her confusion as Fu Qian glanced at her.

"There's no time to explain, I need you to cooperate with my actions from now on."

"How do you know my name?"

After hesitating for a long time, Su Gao finally put down the knife and voiced the question in her heart.

"What's the situation like outside now?"

Fu Qian, as if he hadn't heard her, casually asked in return.

Answering a question with another question, Fu Qian, who had mingled on the internet for many years, was very skilled at this maneuver.

It was then that he realized the woman named Su Gao was almost as tall as he was.

"Not too good..."

Indeed, the porcelain woman's attention was diverted, her tone immediately turning somber.

"You'll know if you go outside and see for yourself."


Fu Qian took two steps forward, standing shoulder to shoulder with her.


The next moment, he silently fired an Air Bullet.

At such a close distance, it was nearly impossible for the porcelain woman to avoid it; one side of her face was hit squarely, emitting a sound like shattering glass.


Su Gao's voice was a mixture of shock and anger.

The power of the Air Bullet was a bit stronger than expected, though it might also be related to her special form.

Struck by the Air Bullet, one half of the porcelain woman's head was like tempered glass that had shattered, instantly covered in dense cracks, yet no blood came out.

This woman really is abnormal!

The next moment, the bright glint of a blade reappeared, and Fu Qian was drenched in his own blood on the spot.

"So you've truly gone completely mad at your core, haven't you!"

The porcelain woman's sigh lingered for a long time.

[Containment Failed]

[Evaluation: Cold-blooded animal]

[Stealth attacks are a valuable trait, the ultimate form of respect toward an enemy]

[Reward: None]

[Special Evaluation Reward: Cat School]

[Current SAN Points: 29]


Back at the warehouse, Fu Qian showed no signs of dejection, silently analyzing his gains.

First, his judgment was correct; this woman was not normal.

For reasons unknown, parts of her body had transformed into that porcelain quality, even to the extent of not bleeding when injured.

What price is she paying for the power she wields? Or had she originally been an enchanted doll?

Combining this with his current objective, to prevent the descent of the offspring of the Evil God.

This world really is full of oddities!

The good news is, as a Night Watchman, this woman should be considered part of the forces of Order and righteousness.

Her strength is formidable; she's a reliable enforcer.

And the fact that he could indeed injure beings of their level with strikes like the one he just dealt is also good news.

Overall, the outcome of this encounter was worth it.

As for what would happen if the porcelain woman was actually killed?

Those who kill will be killed in turn; this woman had attempted to clean up Fu Qian more than once now, so he felt no psychological burden at the prospect of ending her.

Right, it seemed there was also a skill reward?

Recalling something, Fu Qian quickly reviewed his special rewards.

[Cat School: Your steps are as light and unnoticeable as a cat's, your hands are more dexterous, your movements more agile, making it much easier for you to launch stealth attacks any time, anywhere]

Simply put, it's an enhancement to agility.

Upon attempting immediate activation, Fu Qing felt a lightness come over him, as if his control over his body had improved significantly.

This cut was truly not endured in vain.