Chapter 11: The Vitality of the Evil God_1

"Hello there, young man."

Facing Fu Qian's sudden flirtation, the elegant lady was clearly taken aback before letting out a tittering laugh.

Her eyes had a strange haziness to them, resembling a creeping beast.

Since the moment the five of them entered, they had been under the watch of such predator-like gaze.

Accompanied by the gurgling of bloody saliva in her mouth, Fu Qian had no doubt she could pounce at any moment to take a bite out of someone.

Fortunately, after responding to Fu Qian, her eyes became slightly clearer, as if she remembered her human identity.

Still able to hold a conversation, there's a chance!

Apparently, she hadn't completely lost her sanity.

Fu Qian judged correctly and, growing more interested, decided to continue with his plan to draw attention.

"Madam, you're so beautiful. Interested in some intimate contact?"

Worried that boring flirtatious words wouldn't catch her attention, he went straight to the point.


The beautiful woman covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes slowly rolling as she let out a series of delicate laughs.

"Your question is quite rude, but it's lively and you look quite delectable."

"But are you sure you will still like it—like this?"

The lady leaned back slightly, exposing her swollen belly, gently caressing it with one hand, her gaze soft.

"No problem, I like children."

Fu Qian's expression remained unchanged.

"Really? That's wonderful..."

The beautiful woman's smile grew increasingly syrupy.

"I like them too... especially young children."


Is this guy refusing to let us take action and going off to flirt instead?

With some evil entity spouting from his mouth?

The four people in the distance were stunned, their sanity and dignity were being violently assailed by what they saw.

In this short while, the drips of blood that had fallen on the lady's face had reddened a patch on her chest.

Amidst the contrast of red and white, she appeared even more seductively demonic.

However, Fu Qian remained oblivious to this, his eyes brimming with affection and his language vulgar and distasteful.

This child mustn't be allowed to remain!

Witnessing this scene, the crew cut man couldn't help murmuring to himself, feeling his Qilin Arm getting restless.

At such a young age, he was already this perverted; given time, he'd surely become a scourge.

This guy obviously came prepared, holding much information we are unaware of.

By contrast, the captain was a bit more mature, understanding that Fu Qian was buying time for them, although he couldn't help but feel agitated.

However agitated he was, the captain still promptly pulled out his ultimate weapon.

"Cover me!"

He whispered a shout, aiming at the target and began to gather power.

With Fu Qian's distraction present, locking on the target couldn't have been easier.

The lady was even led to turn her back towards them!

If they couldn't handle this, might as well just bash their head in and be done with it.

As streaks of lightning frantically converged and flickered, the captain became increasingly tense as well.

Finally, under the protection of his three comrades, the electricity in the captain's hand swelled to its limit.

The next moment, an endless surge of lightning completely enveloped the lady.

Just across the table, Fu Qian felt like he was going blind from that instant flash.

The lady's body, like straw in a tempest, crumbled without a doubt upon contact.

From skin to bone, turned to ash and annihilated.

And from where her belly was, a shadowy figure began to struggle fiercely.

Barriers appeared and burst instantaneously, and finally, the shadow silently exploded into a cloud of black mist, slowly dissipating.

Is she dead?

The resplendent Lightning Railgun ceased its fury.

All four Night Watchmen let out a sigh of relief.

The captain had already reached his limit, nearly collapsing to the ground.

It was evident that controlling this thing took a considerable toll on his strength.

"Check the surroundings—"

Barely standing up, the captain had only spoken half his words when a hand pierced through his chest.

Everyone froze on the spot, watching in disbelief as the old man stood behind the captain with a strange smile.

The next moment, the withered hand revealed bone blades that completely extinguished the captain's life force.

[The Godson's descent, containment failure]

This thing doesn't even die?

Upon returning to the warehouse, Fu Qian acutely realized the difficulty of contending with an Evil God.

After the lady had been annihilated, he had not received the mission completion prompt, which had made him suspicious then.

Unfortunately, the old man was too quick.

Looking at it now, could it be that even if the host body for the descent was destroyed, the entity could still possess and take over another's body to complete its descent?


If it truly were immortal and could simply possess anyone, this entity could have just slaughtered everyone one by one. Why, then, would it have such a strong reaction to the Lightning Railgun?

But the old man was indeed possessed. Was there something different about him?

The ritual notebook!

Fu Qian's eyes lit up; he thought of something.

He remembered the old man saying he found the notebook nearby, and the ritual cipher also came from it.

In a sense, it was too normal for the notebook to be connected with the brother who wanted to descend.

Considering that the old man always kept it close, completing the embodiment through it was indeed possible.

But if that were the case, the situation became even more complex.

[SAN Points decreased by 1, entering containment scene]

Fu Qian, with a frown, chose to enter once again.

Still in his avatar of an expert, he guided everyone underground, then moved to flirt with the girls, creating an opportunity for the captain to unleash his power.

Only this time, after the captain had initiated the attack, Fu Qian did not stay to watch the Evil God's obliteration but retreated immediately.

The moment the black shadow struggled and dissipated in the lightning, Fu Qian fired five Air Bullets at the captain's weapon without hesitation.

In the eyes of the astonished crowd, the ongoing lightning reacted instantly.

After a violent tremble, the lightning exploded from its source, and blue-white sparks enveloped the entire hall in an instant.

Under the terrible impact, Fu Qian was inevitably thrown back.

Moments later, as the lightning receded, Fu Qian climbed up from the ground and saw several people also lying there.

The old man, who was closest and weakest, had been completely charred.

The captain and the man with the cropped haircut were also on their last breath.

The only one standing was the porcelain-like woman, Su Gao.

At that moment, leaning on her knife, she looked at himself with complex eyes.

Her whole body was in a state of glass-like fissures, as if she could shatter at any moment.

It was a brutal sight!

…It's not over yet?

Fu Qian, equally battered, still hadn't received the containment success prompt.

Narrowing his eyes and scanning the area, Fu Qian noticed that not far from the old man's corpse, a notebook shone brilliantly, with pages flipping on their own.

It fell out?

Fu Qian's heart stirred, and as he watched the crimson blood light on the notebook that appeared to come alive, he grabbed it in his hand.

The next moment, he felt pain in his palm.

Almost instantly, a chill and shadowy presence enveloped him.

Fu Qian felt his mind swiftly being filled with an insatiable lust for killing, and his rationality rapidly dissipated.

As expected, this thing wanted to possess him through the notebook.

The Evil God surely had formidable vitality.

While Fu Qian marveled, he lifted his right hand.

Caressing under his ribcage, he found a wound.