Chapter 19 Mirror_2

"You shouldn't underestimate yourself, at least the proliferation gene of a Middle Tier Transcendent is quite valuable."

"...Thank you for your affirmation."

"Unfortunately, I've always not wanted to owe this favor, otherwise there would have been no room for maneuver, so..."

Wen Li's expression was unprecedentedly serious.

"Regardless of whether your assistance was a spur of the moment or there are hidden matters, I sincerely beseech you once again, to lend a hand during the time to follow."

Quite sincere, huh!

But you might not know, someone has already asked me on your behalf, leaving me no choice but to do the kind of work I hate the most.

"I've said it before, duty calls, and it cannot be shirked."

Fu Qian spoke languidly, telling Miss Wen not to get excited.

"Speaking of which, the Wen Family might not be a prestigious noble family, but they sure have too much money to spend. How come they don't have a single Transcendent bodyguard?"

There are assassins who take money, there must be bodyguards who offer their services for pay; Fu Qian didn't believe all Transcendents had such integrity.

"You're right, there's some hidden affairs in this."

Wen Li's expression was somewhat embarrassed.

"Indeed, we had previously hired a Transcendent bodyguard with a hefty sum, one whose strength was not much less than Master Ji's, unfortunately, he met with an accident not long ago."

"What kind of accident?"

"He was captured by the Night Watchman."


There's actually such a thing!

"As capitalists, didn't you do a background check when hiring people?"

"It was urgent, and the strength was undoubtedly our top priority at that moment, although we knew he was always on the Night Watchman's wanted list."

We didn't expect such an incident, and it's very difficult to find another one in a short term..."

"Seems like your relationship with the Night Watchman isn't that great."

"Our family business covers a wide range, with some in the gray areas, which might not be well-regarded by the Night Watchman."

Wen Li honestly admitted.

"It's obvious, if the relationship was a bit better, they wouldn't have done something so undermining."

Fu Qian sighed deeply, finally understanding why the Wen Family was in such a sorry state.

The old cynic Captain Gu had speculated before that there might be the Night Watchman backing them up, thinking about it now seemed overly optimistic.

"So today, when you stepped in, I was truly unable to contain the joy in my heart. Thank you very much."

Miss Wen thanked him gravely for the third time.

"Also, regarding the content of our conversation today, please keep it a secret. I don't want the Ye Family to have too much of a negative impression before I make my breakthrough."

"Don't worry, I've always been tight-lipped."

Fu Qian promised without hesitation, then lowered his voice.

"The problem is, have you thought about the fact that our conversation now has been overheard by your admirer?"


Wen Li was immediately shocked, raising her head and looking around abruptly.

"No need to look, there's someone clinging to the wall outside."

Fu Qian continued in a hushed tone, then kicked the bench Wen Li was sitting on.

Amidst a scream, Wen Li, along with the bench, flew out.

Simultaneously, Fu Qian stood up abruptly and roared.

"Be careful, there's an assassin!"

Upon his words, the person clinging to the wall outside, akin to a gecko, paused, then began to move frantically.

In fact, not long after sitting down, Fu Qian had noticed someone on the wall outside.

It was possibly the effect of increased Inspiration, as his perception was now extremely keen.

The eavesdropper had been quite careful, not to mention silent in movement, but even using special techniques to flatten themselves against the wall.

Even so, in Fu Qian's perception, it was as apparent as an X-ray.

He even knew who it was—the Little Wolf Girl he had kicked away the first time he entered the place.

Speaking of which, the Wen Family was quite unfortunate, not only had their stronghold been infiltrated like a sieve, but they were also under the surveillance of their prospective in-laws.

Holding the intention to see what the visitor wanted to do, Fu Qian hadn't revealed them right away.

Now was about the right time to rattle the snake through the grass!

With a roar, the alarm bells rang out, and Fu Qian grabbed something from the desk.

It was a metal paperweight, exquisitely crafted and impressively large, clearly not cheap at a glance.

He held it in his hand, weighing it like a brick, and, in the next moment, Fu Qian hurled it toward the wall.


The Wen Family mansion suffered again.

Empowered by terrifying strength, the paperweight shot out like a cannonball, easily tearing through the opposite wall.

Bricks and chunks of stone struck the swiftly moving figure behind it.

Desperate screams echoed as a shadow was heavily thrown down from the wall.

If he remembered correctly, wasn't this the fourth floor?

By this time, Wen Xiuxian had rushed over, and seeing the hole in the wall and his daughter on the ground, his expression could only be described as splendid.

Such a familiar scene! No mansion is grand enough to withstand this kind of damage!

Rest assured, when you see the person on the ground, your face will look even worse.

Now, Wen Li, the ever resilient kickee, had once again bravely stood up, her expression complex as she quietly comforted her father.

As several people descended the stairs together, the infiltrator on the ground was already surrounded.

But it seemed irrelevant whether he was surrounded or not, for the person on the ground laid there motionless, mangled.

Struck unprotected in a vital spot and then having fallen from the fourth floor, this person was dead beyond doubt.

Young Master Ye, who had gone to rest earlier, had long since arrived, and was now staring intently at the body on the ground with a face as dark as coal.

"The assassin has been slain."

Fu Qian, not caring about his darkened face, pointed solemnly at the corpse on the ground, claiming credit.

"Just now, someone else infiltrated and attempted an ambush, but luckily, I discovered it."

No matter what, it was best to firmly establish the identity of the assassin first.

Wen Xiuxian's expression was a kaleidoscope of emotions.

He wasn't foolish, and he could certainly detect the anomaly in Ye Yang's reaction.

And with a little attention, one could notice that one from his entourage was missing.

Was there any need to say who the person on the ground was?

But indeed, the person was struck from outside the wall, labeling them an assassin posed no issue whatsoever.

Wen Xiuxian felt irritated as well.

He had just survived an assassination attempt in the daytime, and now, to his annoyance, someone was spying on his own turf.

Even with his capacity to endure humiliations, it was difficult for him to maintain a pleasant demeanor at that moment.

"Thank you, Mr. Fu. Without you, Lil' Li might have been in danger again."

After mulling it over, Wen Xiuxian chose to express his gratitude earnestly.

"I didn't expect these people to be so patient, returning after being driven away; truly hard to guard against!"

After thanking Fu Qian, Wen Xiuxian let out a series of heavy sighs and turned towards Ye Yang and Master Ji.

"Because of this disturbance, Ye Yang and Master Ji were inconvenienced, please accept my apologies."

"It's alright..."

Young Master Ye didn't respond immediately; it took a tug from Mr. Ji before he almost gritted his teeth and said a word.

"We heard the alarm and were worried there might be trouble, so we came to see. It's good that everything is fine."

Mr. Ji, obviously more seasoned, spoke to Wen Xiuxian with a serious face.

"No disturbance to speak of, as we are here to help and will do our utmost."

"Thank you for your efforts!"

Wen Xiuxian exchanged pleasantries with him, seemingly oblivious to the red and blue locks of hair at the head of the corpse.

Fu Qian knew this person had died in vain.

He didn't harbor any particular hatred toward Little Wolf Girl that warranted her death.

Little Wolf Girl was undoubtedly sent by Ye Yang to eavesdrop, and given Ye Yang's character, the slap from earlier was not something he could simply swallow.

Coming to eavesdrop was very likely for Ye Yang's own sake, to understand Fu Qian's background and to find opportunities for slow revenge later.

That was a natural human response.

But to carry out such tricks at the Wen Family's home indicated a fundamental distrust toward Wen Xiuxian and his family. If what Wen Li had said during the day reached their ears, it was difficult to predict their subsequent reactions.

If he were to complete his mission, he needed to minimize any potential threats to Wen Li as much as possible.

So, for various reasons, it was essential to intimidate them, to make sure they wouldn't dare pull any more stunts in the short term.