Chapter 30: A Feast in the Wilderness

"Okay, no more messing around. Today, I'll take charge and cook up a wild feast to open your eyes!"

Having seen everything he wanted to see, Ye Feng, brimming with pride, felt it necessary to repay the owner of that beautiful scene. Rolling up his sleeves, he squatted by the stream, opened up a wild chicken, and started to pluck and clean it.

After preparing everything, he gathered some large stones to build a stove and dragged some branches back from the forest.

He chopped the chicken into small pieces and used the chicken fat from the belly to fry it until the fat oozed out. Then he threw in the chicken pieces, added some seasonings he brought along, and some wild green onions, wild garlic, and Sichuan peppercorns picked on the way, instantly filling the air with a strong, pleasant fragrance.