Chapter 36: Dislocate Bone Hand Technique




The rampaging Black Bear, desperate as it seemed, swung its paws one after another, violently smacking the tree trunk and causing both people on the tree to feel dizzy and disoriented.

Ye Feng silently cursed his luck; although they were shaking and he and Jiang Yixue ended up clinging even tighter to each other, heightening the wonderful sensation, he could be certain that in less than five minutes, the tree would be knocked over by the frenzied Black Bear.

Jiang Yixue, who had never witnessed such a scene, was pale with fright and clung to Ye Feng like an octopus clasping onto its prey.

"This tree won't hold both of our weights, and someone needs to draw the Black Bear's attention away. Hold onto the trunk tightly; I'll jump down and lead this simpleton away!"

A moment later, Ye Feng had made up his mind.


Jiang Yixue was taken aback and in her panic, she expressed her concern, "But that's a Black Bear; what if something happens to you...?"