Chapter 191: Melon Seed Face Beauty

After waving his hand, Ye Feng walked out of Tianyuan Group under the admiring gazes of his seniors.

As he was leaving, the receptionist in the lobby spotted him and hurriedly stood up, saying, "Good day, Chief Director Ye."

Ye Feng turned around, saw that the receptionist was nothing to write home about, and with a suave wave of his hand, he strode towards the exit.

He had to admit, this feeling of being on top of the world was indeed quite enjoyable—it's no wonder so many people, even if they had to break their skulls, desperately sought to climb to higher positions.


Just as he was thinking about this and walking out the door, Ye Feng suddenly felt a gust of familiar fragrance hit him, and then a soft body with a hint of bounce was in his arms.

Upon closer inspection, he saw a woman standing in front of him, dressed in a well-tailored pant suit with golden brown wavy hair, seductive and sexy, with a melon-seed face slightly resembling Sister Zhiling.