Chapter 254: Strike First to Gain the Upper Hand

The so-called lotus blossoms are just beginning to peek out, and using this to describe Wen Rou couldn't be more appropriate.

But though the lotus may be small, it can fill a hand when grasped.

And her waist, thanks to regular exercise and fitness, was even more flexible than Jiang Yuxin's, easily able to assume various difficult poses… splashing water…

Jiang Yuxin was no match for Wen Rou, and after a few rounds, feeling water trickling down from her chest to her belly, and seeing Ye Feng squatting to the side, completely engrossed, she hurriedly raised her hands in surrender.

"Hmph, you're no match for me in a water fight. Who am I? The undisputed champion of water fights in heaven and on earth…"

Seeing this, Wen Rou stood triumphantly on a green stone, pointing at Jiang Yuxin with an air of superiority.


But as the saying goes, pride comes before a fall.