"Not now... later..."

Su Xiaoqin's cheeks were flushed as she spoke in fits and starts.

Although she didn't finish her sentence, Ye Feng knew she meant there would come a day when she would no longer stop his advances.

Just as Ye Feng was gazing affectionately at Su Xiaoqin, preparing to say some sweet nothings, a harsh knocking suddenly erupted, followed by Lu Qingqing's loud voice from outside the door, "Xiao Qin, open the door..."

What divine being have I offended now to get interrupted every time things get critical?

Ye Feng felt like crying without tears.

"Ignore her, let's continue what we're doing, only a few more moves left..."

Grinding his teeth, Ye Feng decided to ignore Lu Qingqing outside and continued massaging Su Xiaoqin.

"I can't... Sister Qingqing must need something, and if we keep her out, she'll definitely think we're 'doing that.'

Struggling, Su Xiaoqin held down Ye Feng's hand and pleaded, "Let me have Brother Xiao Feng help me next time."