Chapter 325 Chief Instructor Nie Qingwu


"Wow, so handsome!"

"I'm done for, I'm done for, even I, a straight woman, might be bent..."

As soon as the action was taken, the boys had hardly reacted, but the girls had already started exclaiming in surprise.

"I... I made a bet and lost..."

The instructor seemed to be very afraid of this female soldier, stammering for a long time without even daring to lift his head, his voice as small as a mosquito's.

"A bet..."

The female soldier was also stunned, looking incredulously at the instructor, then said in a cold voice, "Making a bet with a college student and losing! Lei Hu, you really know how to bring shame to our battalion leader!"

"It's not that I disgraced the battalion..."

Lei Hu's face turned bright red, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Ye Feng, whispering, "It's because he's too freakish."

The female soldier followed Lei Hu's hand and looked, and the anger on her face instantly turned to astonishment.