0005 He is the master here_1

Ziqing's voice was soft and gentle, with a hint of allure, and the most fatal part was the warm sensation it gave Xiao Chen's ears!

Moreover, the implication of Ziqing's words seemed to suggest something more!

Xiao Chen almost acted on impulse, if it wasn't for the fact that the flat-chested girl was still nearby, he would have definitely made a move!

Xiao Chen could even feel Ziqing's heartbeat accelerate, the thumping sound could not hide from his keen senses!

Actually, Ziqing was not an open woman at all; on the contrary, she was quite conservative at heart. Otherwise, she would not have rejected all men's advances over the years!

She had long determined that she would be Xiao Chen's woman for this entire lifetime since childhood!

This idea had taken deep root, and Xiao Chen's calm and wisdom from a young age were enough to attract any woman around him!

Ziqing was also tempting a man in such a way for the first time. After speaking, she only felt her face burning hot, but the joy over thinking of Xiao Chen, the man she yearned for day and night, completely overwhelmed her shyness!

Previously, Ziqing had heard from the women around her that acting a bit more caterpillar-like in front of one's own man was actually better!

As for how to be caterpillar-like, Ziqing wasn't quite sure, but at least now, she was already pushing her limits!

"Mrs. Qing..."

Just when Ziqing was still immersed in the joy of reuniting with Xiao Chen, a timid voice interrupted her happiness...


Ziqing's delicate body shivered and she immediately pulled away from Xiao Chen, her pretty face blushing, yet she tried to maintain composure with a light cough.

"Tongtong, you're here too..."

Ziqing casually fixed her hair, but anyone could see her embarrassment!

Tongtong was also taken aback. In her memory, both the intimate behavior Ziqing had just shown with Xiao Chen and her current flustered state were something she had never witnessed before!

Mrs. Qing is acting so out of the ordinary today!

"Mrs. Qing... this is my room, of course, I'd be here!"

Tongtong said with a puzzled expression, frowning slightly.

And Ziqing chuckled awkwardly, "Ah? Really? Ha-ha! Mrs. Qing has a bit of a headache and almost forgot this is your room..."

However, halfway through her words, Ziqing realized her mistake!

Then, she turned around, eyes fixed on Xiao Chen, "Then why are you here?!"

Indeed, Ziqing had been too excited just now, Xiao Chen's return thrilled her so much that she lost herself and didn't notice some details in the room!

For example...

Xiao Chen was dressed only in a pair of boxer shorts...

Tongtong had covered her body with a blanket...

This scene...

It rather gave the impression of being caught in the act!

Ziqing's gaze gradually filled with suspicion!

"This isn't your room?"

Now Xiao Chen realized that this whole farce was because he had entered the wrong room!

But it wasn't really his fault, after all, who knew there were other girls in the house!

At this point, Tongtong seemed to have finally found her backbone and began to complain, pulling Ziqing into the mix!

After listening to the entire story, Ziqing's expression finally softened a bit, but she still chided Xiao Chen with a touch of blame, "You really should know better than to just barge into a girl's room! And you've stripped down to this state!"

Xiao Chen shrugged indifferently, "I thought this was your room! Who knew that suddenly there would be this little girl at home!"

Hearing this, Ziqing's face flushed even more, but Tongtong immediately wouldn't stand for it!

"Who are you calling a little girl? I'm twenty years old!"

"Twenty? Doesn't look like it!"

Xiao Chen first glanced at Tongtong's figure, then turned to Ziqing, "Mrs. Qing, you had a C cup by the time you were eighteen, right?"

"You! You jerk!"

Tongtong blushed furiously, fuming with anger!

"Alright, alright!" Ziqing hurriedly cut off the two, whispering to Xiao Chen, "Stop teasing Tongtong, she's just a young girl. You've seen her completely bare; she's already at a loss!"

"You make it sound like I got the better deal, as if it's any different from looking at myself in the mirror!"

Xiao Chen walked towards the door nonchalantly, but halfway there, he suddenly turned around, "There aren't other women living here, right? I don't want to walk into the wrong room again!"

Ziqing was at a loss with Xiao Chen, "No more! This isn't the Kingdom of Women, where so many girls come cheap for your pleasure!"

"That's good to hear; I don't want to be attacked again!"

Xiao Chen walked out of the room with his hands behind his head, strutting confidently!

By this time, Tongtong was completely exasperated and kept shaking Ziqing's arm, "Mrs. Qing! Look at him! He's such a scoundrel! He took advantage of me and acted as if he saw a ghost! Just who is he?"

Ziqing, also helpless, looked in the direction Xiao Chen had gone and mused, "He's actually the master here!"

Tongtong was stunned for a moment, looking outside incredulously, "Is he the man you talk about all the time?"

Ziqing nodded her head, affectionately stroking Tongtong's head, "That's right. So, from now on, Mrs. Qing isn't the one calling the shots here. Don't irritate him. If he kicks you out, Mrs. Qing won't be able to help you!"

"What! It's clear I'm the one who was wronged, and Mrs. Qing, you're still speaking up for him! Why have you become so unreasonable?"

Tongtong pouted as she spoke!

But this time, Ziqing didn't coddle her. Instead, she smiled slightly, a deep sweetness of a little woman flashing across her eyes!

"Yes, maybe Mrs. Qing has become unreasonable. But... in this world, he's the only man who can make me disregard reason!"

Ziqing's words made Tongtong completely freeze. She could never have expected that a wise and rational woman like Ziqing would say such illogical things!

Wasn't she impervious to the passions of love?

Could a man bring about such a big change in her?

Ziqing did not expect Tongtong to understand the relationship between her and Xiao Chen, she just stroked her head, "Alright, you should get some sleep too. Don't think about what just happened. Xiao Chen is a good person, and you'll see that after spending more time with him!"

"Oh, and from now on, don't walk around the room naked. This house... will have an extra male master from now on!"

After saying this, Ziqing playfully winked at Tongtong!

Just as she was about to leave, she realized Tongtong was staring at her with a skeptical look, her brows furrowed and her expression serious.

Finally, Tongtong asked very seriously...

"Mrs. Qing... what are you going to do?"