0007 Anchor Fang Yitong_1

Xiao Chen looked at Leng Ziqing with a knowing smile.

However, his words left Leng Ziqing somewhat astonished.

"I don't want to return to Qingtian Group for now!"

Leng Ziqing was taken aback for a moment before she observed Xiao Chen long enough to be sure he wasn't joking.

"Why not?"

Leng Ziqing asked, not understanding.

Xiao Chen's gaze gradually deepened, and he also sat up, his expression becoming serious.

"Qingtian Group is developing very well under your management, and I can't guarantee what it would be like if I took over. You know, the skills I've learned these years, they're not about business!"

Leng Ziqing understood what he meant and was about to speak but Xiao Chen gently covered her mouth with his hand.

"Let me finish!" Xiao Chen said calmly, "You know why I left. To this day, there has been no news about our parents' disappearance. You know, their vanishing is very mysterious!"

"If you can manage Qingtian Group to its current scale, it suggests that the initiator of this might not be within the company. That means… it must have been someone from outside!"

"I've been gone for eight years, and perhaps some have forgotten about my existence, but the person behind the scenes will definitely not overlook me!"

"If I return to Qingtian Group, I'm afraid it would alert the enemy!"

Xiao Chen finally got to the point, "Fortunately, not many people know I'm back yet. Now, what I need to do is to root out the culprit from the shadows!"

"Over the years, I've come to realize something..." Xiao Chen narrowed his eyes, "and that's being most off guard when you don't know an enemy is hunting you down in the shadows!"

Xiao Chen's presence suddenly shifted, giving Leng Ziqing an instant feeling of unfamiliarity…

Seeing that Leng Ziqing's complexion had turned a bit pale, Xiao Chen took a deep breath, allowing himself to become calm once again.

His current "aura," once manifested, would be so oppressive that ordinary people like Leng Ziqing would find it suffocating just to breathe!

"Did I scare you?"

Xiao Chen asked softly.

By now, Leng Ziqing's complexion had finally improved a bit, but her expression was still somewhat worried…

"Xiao Chen, can you tell me where you went and what you went through these years?"

Leng Ziqing hugged Xiao Chen's arm, feeling his arm enveloped by softness, but his mind was not distracted.

"I've been through a lot. It would take a long time to explain everything."

"Then I want to hear it all!" Leng Ziqing said stubbornly.

Xiao Chen smiled faintly, knowing this woman was truly concerned about him, so he did not decline, but instead slowly began to talk about his time in Black Prison…

Dawn was breaking, and Leng Ziqing lay quietly in Xiao Chen's embrace.

Xiao Chen looked at the delicate person in his arms, his eyes full of tenderness.

After a while, Leng Ziqing slowly opened her eyes, revealing a lazy beauty.


Xiao Chen smiled.

Leng Ziqing apologized, "I'm sorry, last night..."

"It's okay, didn't I take a nap before you came back?" Xiao Chen said, showing off his muscles, "Young people can handle a little less sleep!"

Xiao Chen's gesture made Leng Ziqing burst into light laughter.

Although Xiao Chen had told her many tense and dangerous stories the night before, making her feel that this man was incredibly strong like a deity,

in front of her, he was still that big boy who never grew up!

"But, we missed our chance last night..."

Leng Ziqing was a bit upset, as she had intended to give herself to Xiao Chen, but instead, she fell asleep first!

Xiao Chen was no fool; he was well aware of Leng Ziqing's feelings for him, and seeing her regretful expression, he couldn't help but kiss her on the forehead.

"It's alright, there's plenty of time in the future for us; we have lots of it!"


Leng Ziqing obediently nodded her head and then stood up with her small head bowed, quickly scampering towards the door: "I'll go make you breakfast!"

"Thanks, Mrs. Qing."

Xiao Chen also stood up, but when he stepped out of the room, he suddenly heard a melodious singing voice.

The voice was coming from Fang Yitong's room!

"Didn't know this girl could sing quite well!"

Xiao Chen walked into the kitchen, leaning on the doorframe as he watched the busy Leng Ziqing, and said.

Without stopping her movements, Leng Ziqing replied with a smile, "Of course, our Tongtong is a student at the Tiandu Music Academy, after all!"

"Oh?" Xiao Chen's mouth curved into a smile, "Didn't expect Fang Wenjin's granddaughter to learn singing. Seems a bit strange!"

"What's so strange about that, Tongtong is actually just a very ordinary girl, don't associate her with the Jin Yang Society!" Leng Ziqing turned to face him, "Also, she's staying here because it's summer vacation. Once school starts, she'll be back to Tiandu City."

Leng Ziqing skillfully prepared a vegetable salad in no time.

"You eat first, I'll go call Tongtong."

Xiao Chen felt that Leng Ziqing was like a capable wife, as he seemed to have not experienced such peaceful days for a long time.

After a while, Leng Ziqing came out looking somewhat helpless, "Let's eat first!"

"What happened?"

Xiao Chen asked while eating.

"The girl is doing a livestream, said she'd come to eat after it ends!"

Leng Ziqing seemed to have grown accustomed to such things.


Xiao Chen was slightly taken aback, "You don't mean a broadcaster, do you?"

"You know about broadcasters? That's something that has only become popular in the past few years!"

Leng Ziqing knew that Xiao Chen was mostly in Africa, so she was somewhat surprised that he knew about broadcasters.

"Mrs. Qing, although it's poor over there, I'm not out of touch! I actually know more news than you guys!"

Xiao Chen replied somewhat helplessly.

Meanwhile, Leng Ziqing looked at the man she loved with a teasing smile, "Alright, alright! Our Xiao Chen is the most well-informed and knowledgeable, are you happy now?"

Only then did Xiao Chen, satisfied, continue to eat. While eating, he suddenly laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at?"

Leng Ziqing felt a bit puzzled at first.

"Nothing!" Xiao Chen still had a mischievous smile, "I'll gift her some presents when I'm free!"

"Not serious!"

Leng Ziqing gave him a disapproving look, "By the way, do you have any plans after coming back?"

After thinking for a bit, Xiao Chen answered, "Haven't decided yet, but I'm going to meet someone today!"

"Who are you seeing? Do you want me to come with you?"

Leng Ziqing casually asked.

"No need, don't worry, I still know my way around Tianhai City!" Xiao Chen laughed confidently, "Is there a spare car at home? Lend me one!"

"What do you mean lend you one? Isn't everything in this house yours?"

Leng Ziqing coquettishly rebuked him, then stood up, and quickly handed Xiao Chen a black leather bag, "Choose whichever you like!"

Xiao Chen took the hefty bag, opened it, and found at least a dozen sets of car keys from various brands inside!

The price of these cars…

All were over one to two million!

Even the worldly Xiao Chen was taken aback at this moment!

Xiao Chen looked up with a wry smile and made a playful innocent expression at Leng Ziqing…

"Mrs. Qing! With a rich woman like you keeping a handsome guy like me, how much would you pay per month? I'm quite the catch in terms of stamina!"