0019 I won't let my woman be wronged!_1

Xiao Chen left Shengxia Group and found himself somewhat idle.

He had planned to give his beautiful young auntie a big gift and secure a minor position in her company. It would have been a good way to lie low while he searched for clues about his parents' whereabouts and the mastermind behind the scenes!

But things didn't go as planned, and they parted on bad terms, so naturally, he couldn't stay there any longer!

Xiao Chen wasn't the type to stick around unwanted, nor was he someone to be easily manipulated!

After giving it some thought, Xiao Chen decided to head home first. If Leng Ziqing was there, they could tease and bicker with each other for a bit!

He drove all the way home, but after searching for a while, he couldn't find any trace of Leng Ziqing or Fang Yitong!

When he returned to Leng Ziqing's room, Xiao Chen found a note from her on the dressing table.

"I might come back a bit late tonight, there's a business social event at the company!"

Xiao Chen sighed, "Mrs. Qing really does work hard!"

Having nothing better to do and feeling sleepy—after all, he didn't sleep a wink last night—he decided it was a good time to catch up on some sleep!

And now he was in Leng Ziqing's room, so he didn't have to worry about someone getting into the wrong bed and creating an awkward situation!

Xiao Chen slept sweetly until the sky had completely darkened, when he was woken by a phone call.

The call was from Tianji!

Half-awake, Xiao Chen answered and heard Tianji's somewhat pleading voice.

"Xiao Chen, I'm apologizing on behalf of my sister. Please don't be angry, okay?"

Tianji spoke with a coquettish tone. Her attitude was something only one man in the entire world could enjoy, and that was Xiao Chen. Although Tianji had previously expressed concern that without him, she might be bullied, Xiao Chen was well aware that this woman was even more ruthless than him when training new recruits!

In Black Prison, people were in awe of Xiao Chen, but they genuinely feared Tianji!

Women can be far crueler than men when they get tough!

So this coquettish behavior now was starkly different from her usual image.

"You've been in contact with her?"

Xiao Chen sat up and yawned.

"Yes, after talking to you, I felt like you were hiding something from me. When I called to ask, sure enough, my sister was in trouble!"

Tianji suddenly said lightly, "But luckily, with the help of our Heavenly Master, no problem is too big to solve!"

"Flattery will get you nowhere," Xiao Chen was unimpressed. "I already helped as I promised; the rest is none of my business! Your sister doesn't care for my help!"

"Oh, Mr. Xiao! Don't be so petty with a young girl, will you? She knows she was wrong!"

Tianji knew that Xiao Chen was more receptive to a soft approach than a hard one, so she knew exactly how to coax him!

"I'll give you that I'm a good-looking guy, but I'm not interested in warming a cold shoulder!"

Xiao Chen's attitude had shifted slightly, and Tianji had picked up on that.

"The great Mr. Xiao is magnanimous! He doesn't sweat the small stuff, right? Even if you're angry, you should at least give her a chance to apologize. My sister is feeling terrible and just wants to admit her wrongdoing to you. Please, just do her this favor and forgive her once!"

Tianji's voice was almost dripping with sweetness, and her coquettish manner made it really hard for Xiao Chen to resist!

"We'll see how I feel!"

"I knew my Xiao Chen was the best! Muah!" Tianji was ecstatic. "Then I'll tell my sister that you'll come to the company tomorrow morning, okay?"

"Who agreed to tomorrow morning? Hello? Hello?"

Xiao Chen was left holding the phone as he heard the busy tone on the other end.

Xiao Chen chuckled bitterly, feeling as though he'd been played: "This woman knows my weaknesses all too well. No good, next time I see her, I'm definitely going to have to set her straight!"

Now wide awake, Xiao Chen stepped out of the room, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and gulped down most of it, only then realizing that Leng Ziqing still hadn't returned.

It was already past nine in the evening, and Xiao Chen decided to call her to see if she needed a ride.

After all, now that he was back, it was time to provide the warmth that was due!

After dialing out, it took a long while for Leng Ziqing to answer.

"Xiao Chen, have you come home?"

Ziqing's voice on the other end was somewhat gentle.

"I came back early, has your event not ended yet?"

Xiao Chen sensed something amiss from Ziqing's voice!

"Alright! Then I'll hurry back, wait for me, tonight... tonight Tongtong won't be home!"

Ziqing's words were extremely tempting, inevitably leading one's thoughts astray, the implication of what she was hinting at with Fang Yitong not being at home was self-evident!

But Xiao Chen didn't feel very happy upon hearing this!

Instead, he furrowed his brows!

Because he finally realized what was wrong!

Ziqing had drunk too much!

"Mrs. Qing, have you had a lot to drink?"

Xiao Chen's tone grew serious!

Ziqing seemed not to notice the change in Xiao Chen's tone but instead kept telling him not to go to sleep and to wait for her return!

However, just then, Xiao Chen suddenly heard a sleazy man's voice coming through the phone!

"Mr. Leng! Why the rush to leave? We've still got drinking to do! Didn't we agree not to go home until we're drunk today?"

"Mr. Sun, I really can't drink anymore, there's something at home, I might have to leave first!"

Ziqing made an excuse!

"No way! No one is leaving today! Drinking is about making friends and having fun! If you leave, how can the rest of us have a good time? I still want to talk to you more about that harbor land later!"

The same sleazy voice appeared again, this time even clearer, obviously having moved closer to Ziqing!

Xiao Chen's gaze turned cold, and his heart burned with anger!

"Mrs. Qing, where are you right now?"

"I'm fine, Xiao Chen, wait for me, I'll be right back!"

Ziqing finally realized that Xiao Chen's mood was off, and hurriedly tried to reassure him!

Yet, Xiao Chen's voice became even more ice-cold.

Without raising his voice or casting blame, his words softened quite a bit, "I'm back, I'm the man of this house, with me here, the women of this home won't be aggrieved."

"Tell me, where are you? I'll take care of the rest."

Ziqing seemed to sober up quite a bit and was deeply touched, almost to the point of tears!

For so many years, she had been struggling on her own!

And the haven she needed to anchor in...

Seemed to have finally returned!

"I'm at Di Hao Hotel!"

Ziqing said, her voice choked up!

"Wait for me!"

Xiao Chen hung up the phone, put on his clothes, and walked out of the villa!

The Hummer, like a bull gone mad, sped off immediately, and with Xiao Chen's driving skills, it was completely impossible for any accident to occur while cruising the city!

Just as he had set off, Xiao Chen's phone rang once more, but this time, it was from an unfamiliar number!

Xiao Chen answered the phone, his tone resolute.

"Who is this?"

The person on the other end was clearly startled by Xiao Chen's attitude, and after a little while, they spoke in a very polite and formal tone.

"Heavenly Master, this is Bai Jingchen!"