0034 Asking for help with the right attitude!_1

"Test my ass! With your sorry attitude, there's no need to test! No chance in hell! If I were a woman, I'd definitely not fancy a wimp like you!"

Xiao Chen was pissed. How could there be such a cowardly guy?

If this was Black Prison, I would have thrown him out onto the plains to race the lions by now!

"Mr. Xiao, what should I do then?"

Meng Zeming asked timidly!

Xiao Chen sighed and mocked himself. After all, this wasn't Black Prison; the quality of the trainees certainly wouldn't be as high as those in Black Prison!

"First, lift your damn head up for me, and straighten your spine!"

Xiao Chen barked!

Meng Zeming jumped at the scolding and immediately straightened up, chest out, head high, looking right at Xiao Chen!

"I'm asking you! Do you want that girl to be your wife?"

Xiao Chen asked in a deep voice!

Meng Zeming wanted to avoid the question, but remembering Xiao Chen's recent words, he gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes!"