0036 The Lethal Power of Farting!_1

Zhang Han was stunned for a moment!

Initially, when he heard that Hoo Guozhong's salary had been increased, he felt somewhat envious, but now that Xiao Chen had called him over and told him that he too had a task, Zhang Han suddenly started to panic!

Among the three of them, he was the smartest one, and he also somehow discerned the way Xiao Chen was training them. The training specifically targeted their weakest links, pushing them to break through their own limits!

And Zhang Han truly had no idea how Xiao Chen would design a task targeted at him!

However, since Xiao Chen had called him over, he couldn't pretend not to hear and had no choice but to follow with trepidation!

At this time, several people had already gathered outside the security room. Many had seen the man being beaten and thrown out from the security room and were curious about what had happened, so they eagerly crowded around to watch the excitement!