0064 Male God Meng Zeming_1

The next morning, Xiao Chen got up from the bed, and Leng Ziqing had already made breakfast for him!

After returning last night and seeing Fang Yitong safe and sound, Leng Ziqing also felt relieved. After arranging for Fang Yitong, Leng Ziqing went back to her room and cuddled with Xiao Chen for a while.

Stepping out of the room, Xiao Chen immediately saw Fang Yitong sitting there with her head lowered, looking like a child who had done something wrong.

"Up early, aren't you, girl?"

Xiao Chen acted as if nothing had happened, smiling and walking over to greet her!

Fang Yitong blushed, seemingly too shy to look up at Xiao Chen.

"I'm sorry..."

Xiao Chen was taken aback and then gave a playful smile, "Sorry? What for, exactly?"

"Mrs. Qing told me this morning. I'm sorry for making you all worried!" Fang Yitong said, standing up like a child who had misbehaved, bowing her head to Xiao Chen, "And, I know it was you who saved me yesterday!"