0080 Tiangou!_1

At 6:00 p.m., almost all the invited guests had arrived, filling the spacious manor with a well-dressed crowd!

This grand banquet saw everyone's faces brimming with curiosity, their gazes constantly resting on the direction of the villa's entrance, eager to know which illustrious man would be the first to appear alongside Leng Ziqing!

However, what they didn't know was that Xiao Chen was actually standing right beside them at this very moment!

Xiao Chen hadn't been resting in the lounge with Leng Ziqing the whole time, instead, he had arrived at the venue earlier!

The security team of the Shengxia Company, known as the Four King Kongs, was right by Xiao Chen's side!

The nickname 'Four King Kongs' was a term of respect used within the Shengxia Company for these four members of the security department, whose strength had already intimidated the entire company!

Xiao Chen had also kept his promise!

The security department now held a pivotal position within the Shengxia Company!