0089 Top of the Hidden List!_1


Xiao Chen's arm was blocked by Tiangou, who slightly frowned, feeling Xiao Chen's formidable strength. Tiangou's legs pushed against the wall behind him to barely dissipate the force of Xiao Chen's attack!

"Heavenly Master! Are you serious?!"

Tiangou shouted.

But Xiao Chen still had a cold expression on his face and didn't say a word; suddenly, he lifted his leg and swept it toward Tiangou's body!

Tiangou didn't dare to take it lightly, for he was facing...

Celestial Master Xiao Chen!

A single careless move, and he would find himself in an unrecoverable disaster!

Tiangou clenched his teeth, feeling the force behind Xiao Chen's kick, and immediately twisted his body in midair to drift down to the other side!

However, just as Tiangou intended to land, he suddenly noticed a shadow flitting over from another direction!
