0092 Ye Shi Ya_1

"Ye Shiya?"

Leng Ziqing was first taken aback but soon widened her eyes, "The school idol from your high school back then?"

Xiao Chen nodded, his face filled with confusion, "She's changed a lot!"

Xiao Chen did not say she had become ugly, because he felt that would be disrespectful to the woman!

Speaking of Ye Shiya, Xiao Chen indeed had some connection with her before!

Back when the Xiao Family had not yet fallen from grace, Xiao Chen was studying in a prestigious school, where he and Ye Shiya were schoolmates, classmates, and even desk mates!

Xiao Chen had been an outstanding student with excellent grades, from a wealthy family, and was also very handsome, and Ye Shiya was just as remarkable, whether in terms of academic performance or appearance, she had a well-known reputation throughout the school!

She was even rumored to be the most beautiful school idol since the establishment of the school!