0111 People Live Up to Their Names_1

Ye Shiya's body quivered slightly!

She recognized the direction of the voice immediately—it was directed at her!

Having grown up immersed in medicinal baths, her senses were sharper than an average person's. The voice of the woman speaking was not loud, barely audible to most, but unfortunately for Ye Shiya, her hearing was significantly better than others'!

Since Ye Shiya could hear it, it went without saying that Xiao Chen could too.

When he heard the voice, his expression didn't change, but he slowly lifted his head, looking toward the girl who was speaking.

It was a girl from the next table—fairly attractive with large eyes and a high nose bridge, though her makeup was a bit too heavy.

Beside her sat a short-haired girl with decent looks.

These two girls were clearly best friends, and upon noticing Xiao Chen looking in their direction, the girl with heavy makeup suddenly became nervous.

"He's looking at me! Hey, do you think he heard what we were saying?"