0109 Germany!_1

Ye Kai was still doubtful, but at least, he could tell that Xiao Chen was serious!

Since he had been able to deal with Wang Qingchuan in just two short hours, then perhaps, he might truly have a method to restore Ye Shiya to her former appearance!

"So... can we detoxify Shiya now?"

Ye Kai asked somewhat hesitantly!

As a person, the thing he least liked was to owe others favors, and considering that Xiao Chen was his student, he found it even harder to broach the subject!

But there was no choice, the matter of Ye Shiya had always been a thorn in his heart!

For his daughter's sake, he was willing to let go of his pride!

"There's no rush for now!"

Xiao Chen waved his hand at this moment!


Ye Kai didn't understand!

Since Xiao Chen had a way, why not detoxify Ye Shiya as soon as possible, why let her continue to bear the title of an ugly woman, to be pointed at and discussed?