0114 Bai Family member!_1

Bai Jingchen practically ran out from the residential area upon learning of Xiao Chen's arrival!

After informing the security to open the gate, Bai Jingchen bowed to Xiao Chen.

"Mr. Xiao, how come you didn't let me know in advance before arriving at my humble abode?"

"Get in the car!"

Xiao Chen tilted his head.

Bai Jingchen was slightly startled, but didn't dare to delay, and got into the car with some confusion!

Bai Jingchen was humble, but he was by no means dim-witted, and given his understanding of Xiao Chen, he could tell that Xiao Chen seemed to be in a bad mood!

"Mr. Xiao, what on earth has happened?"

Bai Jingchen asked cautiously!

Xiao Chen still had a stoic face, "Is your aunt at home?"

Bai Jingchen was taken aback for a moment but responded promptly, "Although my mother's health has recovered a bit, she is still in the hospital for observation!"

"That's good!" Xiao Chen said with a cold face, "Let's go inside and talk!"