0127 Spit out whatever you ate exactly as it was!_1

When Cui Zhenhao finished asking that question, even he felt it was kind of absurd!

Who had beaten them up like this?

Was there even a need to ask?

Of course, it was Xiao Chen, the man who had just been calling him "brother" a moment ago!

"You actually used violent means to make us submit?!"

Anger surged to Cui Zhenhao's head, and he roared at Xiao Chen!

Instantly, Xiao Chen's eyebrows shot up, and he grabbed Cui Zhenhao's hair!

"You've grown some guts, huh? Daring to yell at me now?!"

Xiao Chen exploded in anger, and Cui Zhenhao scrambled away, finally hiding behind the toilet, shivering in fear!

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong! I didn't mean to shout at you intentionally!"

Seeing Cui Zhenhao so frightened, Xiao Chen almost let out a laugh!

However, what mattered most now, of course, was the contract!

Xiao Chen glanced at the contract on the ground.

"Sign it!"

Seeing the contract, Cui Zhenhao understood what Xiao Chen meant, but hesitated!