0136 Originally Strangers_1

Meng Zeming's attitude was unexpectedly cold!

When he looked at Pan Linlin, his gaze was as if he were looking at a stranger!

This look made Pan Linlin involuntarily take a step back!

Because she felt that the man before her...

was no longer the little security guard who used to look up to her!

"You, you're actually using this method to get back at me? As a man, do you have no shame in bullying a woman like this?"

But Pan Linlin still couldn't help but shout, "You bunch of men ganging up on a weak woman like me, do you really feel proud?"

Listening to Pan Linlin's tantrum, Meng Zeming remained indifferent.

"Miss Pan, I don't know what you're talking about!"

As he spoke, Meng Zeming suddenly took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Xiao has already discussed this matter, and I also think he's right! If you weren't greedy, no one could harm you!"