0161 Rich! Willful!_1

"What do you mean by that?"

Mr. Qu was somewhat out of sorts!

Xiao Chen smiled cruelly, staring at these three people for a while before suddenly speaking in a chilling voice, "Because from now on, the company will halt all projects, in plain terms, it will stop operating!"

"As for your capital, I'm afraid it won't yield any profit for the time being, and it will decrease progressively each year!"

Xiao Chen bared his teeth, "To tell you the truth, I still have quite a lot of money in my hands, but as for you, if you don't get the company's dividends... I wonder how long you can last?"

What Xiao Chen said sent a chill down everyone's spine in the room!

What a damn ruthless person!

This was entirely an act of burning bridges!

Halt all the company's projects and make everyone lose money together?

And not to receive any dividends?!

Doesn't this equate to tying up everyone's capital, leaving them with no way out?!