0168 Strategic Deployment!_1

By the time Xiao Chen arrived at Shengxia Company, the eight members of the security department had already plunged into training, following their routine!

The Mo Family Siblings and the four muscular men were practicing against each other, while the Zhong Family sisters seemed absent-minded, half-heartedly performing their warm-up exercises and keeping their distance from the other six individuals!

It seemed there were still barriers among these people!

However, Xiao Chen was not in a hurry.

After all, they were still in the period of adjustment. If they were to integrate immediately, what use would there be for him, the Heavenly Master?

Xiao Chen walked to the open space, suddenly clapped his hands lightly, and caught everyone's attention.

The eight individuals, upon seeing Xiao Chen, immediately stopped all activities and lined up neatly, waiting respectfully for Xiao Chen's instructions.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, quite satisfied with their quality.