0182 Ye Shiya Shows Her Power! _1

The room erupted in astonishment!

Xiao Chen's remark had stunned everyone into silence!

Even Ye Shiya was taken aback!

She had already known that Yoo Zihao and Hu Manjia had ill intentions, so she harbored some resentment in her heart!

But just a moment ago, she had only made a couple of subtle jabs and hadn't said anything too offensive!

However, what Xiao Chen said...

To put it bluntly, he had just outright insulted the two of them!

And he did it in front of everyone, suddenly turning hostile!

This guy's temper is just too strange, isn't it?

Up until a second before he made that statement, not a single person had detected the slightest bit of dissatisfaction from him!

Hu Manjia's face had turned green!

She was so taken aback that she didn't even think of retorting, unable to wrap her mind around what had just happened!

She never expected this guy to lash out with insults so abruptly!

However, at this point, someone else couldn't sit still anymore!