0195 Detour_1

The two people were left speechless by Xiao Chen's words, with none of their bluster remaining, completely unsure of what to say.

Xiao Chen didn't bother to pay them any more attention and instead turned to Jiang Mengqi, smiling as he said, "Miss Jiang, please go ahead!"

Jiang Mengqi, however, had maintained a look of surprise and astonishment the whole time. Even now, she felt that the events that had just transpired were just too surreal!

Obviously, if it weren't for Xiao Chen, she would probably have perished in the sea of flames by now!

But at the same time, she couldn't wrap her mind around it!

A security team leader...

Why would he be so incredible?

It was rumored that the security department of Shengxia Group was of exceptionally high quality, but she thought at best it wouldn't be too different from an ordinary bodyguard, probably even falling short of the Camouflage Dragon's level!

But now, after witnessing his capabilities, wasn't this a bit too strong?